Community management

Of course, a good social media strategy also needs to be implemented effectively. What seems to be simple at the first glance requires the utmost care and constant adaptation. Especially when dealing with communities. Community management means listening to the community and responding to wishes and questions. We act as a link between you and your fans. The scope of tasks is demanding. They range from moderating and answering inquiries to activating users through special actions and measures to increase the size of the community. This doesn’t only cost a lot of time, but also know-how.

What is community management?

Basically, every communicator has a different understanding of the term community management. For some, it’s just answering  user questions, for others it’s all about posting content, and for others, the truth lies somewhere in between. We define community management based on the different areas of responsibility:

  • Conception of communication strategies for social media
  • Development of business-relevant social media channels
  • Continuous optimization of the presented contents
  • Community support
  • Inquiry management
  • Preparation of clippings and integration into the communication goals
  • Much more

What are the benefits of community management?

If you have decided to present your company in social media, a professional support of the channels is essential. Your social media channels are an opportunity for you and your community to establish communication in a fast and uncomplicated way. They give your communication channels a more personal touch and are usually the first point of contact.

More and more users are using social media for inquiries and complaints of all kinds, as they receive answers – usually within a very short period of time. And all this without any waiting times in a queue.

Be a competent contact person for your customers or fans in the social media, solve their problems and praise them for good feedback or contributions.